
I design, develop, and operate apps in my spare time

VTOL UAV Conceptual Design

Twin-boom fixed-wing VTOL UAV conceptual design. Uses SATCOM On The Move (SOTM). Has parachute recovery module. Gust effects, spin recovery studied. Calculations in MATLAB and Python.


OpenAI taxi V2 implementation in C++ using SFML (Simple and Fast Multimedia Library). Uses Q-learning technique to train a model to perform auto-pickup and drop off operations.


Android quiz app on dialogues from popular movies of Malayalam film industry. 4 different play modes with an extra unlockable modes. Made with Android Studio, written in Java.


An android app for aspiring mnemonists, with training modules for Spoken Numbers and Flash Anzan.

Blindfold Chess Trainer

A web app that helps users to train in blindfold chess by solving tactics on an empty board. Made with pure HTML, CSS and JS. Uses JQuery library.


Memory training app for aspiring mnemonists. Includes modules for speed cards, spoken numbers, random words, and binary numbers. Uses PyQt5. Published to PyPI.

Candlesticks Chart

A C++ program with SFML as graphics utility to display candlesticks chart for a given stock. Several customizable features included - custom candle colors, background, range selection, few pattern detections.

Simple Cricket

Game of 'Hand Cricket' with tournaments, tours and knockouts! Made with Godot game engine, written in GDScript.


A web tool that converts FEN chess notation into image. Supports multiple image types: SVG, PNG, JPEG. Multiple image customizability options available. Can be added as a bookmarklet or used as API calls.


GTK application written in C to display top rated live chess games from Lichess TV. Plenty of board customization, realtime evaluation bar and other minor features